Redwood Gate with Quatrafoil - The quatrafoil within the gate was repurposed from the home feature, with an added cat access slot at the bottom.

Flagstone Gate - The Bluestone pieces of the gate are hung on a steel frame.  The frame top mirrors the shape of the top stone contour.

Japanese Double Garden Gate -The redwood Japanese style gate was retrofitted into the Wisteria trellis frame reused from the client's parents home.

Redwood Trellis Gate - The redwood gate with trellis provides garden access highlighted with a vertical aspect.  Absent the overhead vine, the rafters provide an interesting visual element.

Redwood Fence & Gate - The patterning of alternately sized fence boards adds interest to an otherwise plain fence and gate.

Redwood Gate - The stained redwood gate is one of 2 providing garden courtyard access.

Double Gate with Trellis - The recessed double gate with an arching trellis provides an inviting front garden entry.